Resource Request:
Residence Hall Association is committed to helping your hall council to be as successful as possible. This year, RHA has an inventory of resources that you may rent to help your program be a big hit. Your request needs to be submitted no later than one week before your program! To rent an item we need to know which item you would like to rent, when you will pick it up, and when it will be returned (Date and time).
If you would like to rent any of the items we offer or have any additional questions you may contact Syracuse RHA at:
Email: (See *Executive Board* Tab To See Which Member You Need To Contact)
Office Hours: Monday – Friday | 9:00AM-5:00 PM | 111 Waverly Avenue Suite 200
(Second floor of Waverly, in the Office of Residence Life)
Equipment to Rent
- Speakers and Microphone
- Various board games
- Game Accessories (bats, balls, frisbees)
- Poker game accessories
- Plastic Bowling set